Spiritual Passion through Communication

Mark inspired 2nd frame Mark inspired

In creating my art …

I add save as a single image and a multilayered image before creating a gif ….

To see the Gif ,  see The Blog  on 3Tags

My artworks are what I call Interactive Oracle Cards

This means that when I am doing a reading for a client, I will also ask them what they feel when they look at the image, what do they see within the image? This is so the client finds empowerment on their journey.

http://3tags.org/article/spiritual-passion-through-communication …

Some of The Decks I work with

Orphalese Software

So time to update what is new in my world ?

Let me start by saying i have had a crazy start to the year …..  been a bit difficult but with a change of action within my plans I think I may have cracked it and being able to make some changes that are positive ….

#1 Tarotology Forum with a friend in the Uk we have created this amazing haven of sacredness that teaches, mentors, shares all things Tarot , oracle, divination, healing and psychic development and Wicca and so much more within …..

Loads of different topics, and subjects related to different Tarot systems – RWS, Thoth and Tarot de Marseilles,   connecting to Tarot and Astrology, Alchemy, Numerology, Kabbalah and so much , learn to read by book meanings, read intuitively, connect the cards together with a natural flow,  Divination tools, include Runes, I-ching, Crystals, Angels, and Oracle cards, Psychic development  and so much more  with the courses now available in Reiki1, Chakras, Angels and Archangels,  Weekend Workshops- Meditation, Connecting to Your Spirit Guides , Sensing and seeing Auras…. while Lara Mentors Intuitive Tarot,   Understand Court Cards, Foundations in Tarot  and more ….

You want to go check this Tarotology Forum,,,,,,,


#2 Check this out   –  ….2952450   So exciting   ……

Napier Courier Article 29/10/14   ….

Really is time to get back into it ……

Reading with a pack of ordinary deck of cards….

A couple of weeks ago picked up an ordinary pack of cards , shuffled and a couple cards flipped out and suddenly it was like a switch had turned on and i could read them like tarot … wow ….. intuitive, intuition just suddenly raised to  this new level… wow what was happening.. so I put online I would do some three card spreads and  see what would happen…. I did the readings and shared what I got and it made sense….. Practiced a bit more and finally did some at work for clients, just part of reading then a a whole reading up the Celtic Cross  10 cards… wow made sense to client……

So now Gypsy readings …….. 5 mins….  Roll On Art Deco Weekend in Hawkes Bay February 2014……..


How to Enhance What You Already Have

E-Book How to Enhance What You Already Have

Discovering your own psychic abilties….

Wanting to discover you own psychic abilities? Work at your own pace, with clear and simple exercises which make self development fun?  Want to learn our to work with cards, oracle and Tarot, crystals, Angels and Archangels, Chakras, scrying, psychometry, and so much more …. Learn how to stay grounded and stay protected while working with Spirit, Your Spirit Guides and HIgher Self….

https://www.facebook.com/Vestasbook?ref=hl  Check out the Facebook Page for more details ……. The previous posts will show you certain chapters…….

If you want to work with Tarot or Oracle cards  I suggest you check out

https://www.facebook.com/groups/583966434994670/ Creative Intuitive Readings Group The Tarot chapter is in the files section of the group…..

Would like to know more about this E-Book and how to get yourself a copy I would suggest you email me for details how to purchase this book through email…..


Are you starting to feel like there is a build up of energy within you? We do not want to leave this energy within you as you will find it hard to settle, stay calm, sleep and relax, so now I feel it is time to share Grounding Techniques.
There are many different techniques available to try, too many to include in this book but I will certainly give you several different ones so you can find one that may suit you.
Technique #1
1. Deep Breathe, Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, slowly blowing it out
2. Visualize yourself in a shower (you can physically be in a shower if need be)
3. Gather all of the excess energy swirling around within you.
4. Visualize all of the energy moving towards your feet and going down the drain.
5. Feel it. Know it.
6. Now you are ready for Step #2
This can also be done in the bath if you do not have a shower available.

What Does it Mean Being A Witch?

What does it mean to me?

Being a Witch for me began from the moment i was born….

I felt different, I felt like magick was my friend… I write  magick with a k because to me it is  very sacred. It is about the way I choose to live my life.  It came into full understanding during late 1995 during a difficult time in my life, trying to discover who I was and what did life mean to be…. In the library I was looking through books of different  beliefs and discovered Ann Moura’s Green Witchcraft….. I read the first page and cried. suddenly my life made sense ….. where to now?  Is there anyone else following the same path……?  I looked in a book shop and then discovered a gift shop that carried Witchcraft books and supplies… I spent a lot of time in there and discovered a Witchcraft magazine… I devoured every copy I could get my hands on…. I studied and learnt as much as I could. I found like I was returning home. My life was becoming complete. the puzzle was coming together….

Over the years I have continued to learn, continued to live my life for me and discovered what being a Witch means to me.. It is so personal and finding this self-respect for self enables me to be true to myself…..

Understanding the ceremonial celebrations and Rites of passages through The Correllian Wiccan tradition has given me an amazing personal  journey…..This journey is not about anyone else living my life but each of us as individuals deciding what life we choose to live is an authentic life.

Being Pagan means the Goddess and the God live within us…. In how we treat ourselves is in how we treat the Mother Earth and her creatures. When in how we treat ourselves is how we affect others….. It is a ripple affect in life in what happens in one part of ourselves affects other parts …. in what we do to us we do to others.

For me being a Pagan, a Wiccan, a Witch is about BEING………


Over the Months I have struggled within a personal part of my life but for me being who I am,  has made me stronger, my beliefs have helped me on many levels ….

I know some of the choices I made may not have been the best choices to make but I have had to learn to accept they are the choices I made and I needed to make new choices to change my path I was traveling upon … Change the direction, review those choices and leave them behind ….

How Do I start To Heal Within?

Where do I begin when it comes to a healing session?  A client comes in not feeling well, lost in direction, feeling overwhelmed,not sure how to get where they should be in their inner health… they ask “What do I need ? ” “Where do I start?”  Questions that need to be asked…….”What is the starting point? What is the symptoms? What was the cause? Which part of the body is it residing? ” There is so much to gather before making a decision in what is best for the client. So much to choose from, totally depends on where the client is at……..

Here are some suggestions a client could look at…..

A tarot/oracle reading, intuitive psychic readings

This brings through some information that may be related to the cause of what is going on?

Soul Energy Clearing

Clears away discordant energies and bringing in new programs to enhance current life…..

Chakra Realignment 

Clears debris, balances Chakras and brings the Chakras into alignment so able to cope better in all aspects of your journey…


Hands on/Hands off energy healing session that works totally through the body on a mind, body, Spirit level to enhance the journey on all levels….

Aromatherapy Massage/Acupressure

Brings the body to new levels through clearing blockages and toxicity within ….

Dimensional Healing

With bringing your body to new levels of awareness allowing self to feel and heal within…..(very quick healing)

There are so many other options available,  It is such a personal journey…..

I suggest to choose something each week over a 6-8 week period allowing yourself to heal on many different levels……..

Find the Therapist you feel drawn to……

Maybe you may like to see a Naturopath for a Naturopathic Consultation to get the whole picture in regards to your wellness, and then from there start working through different aspects to awaken new possibilities within.

Mirimiri- Maori traditional healing Massage enabling the body to heal on many levels……

Reflexology- the massage without removing your clothes…. Working on the feet enables to body to be worked on completely as the feet are connected to different parts of the body on many different levels…..

Angel healing, many types of Angel Healings bring different levels of healing within….

Colour healing works on many vibrations to heal the body on many levels……

Talk to a therapist and get as much information as you can about what they do and decide for yourself what feels comfortable for you……. most full sessions will last between 30 and 60 mins…. but if you want a sample session, ask if possible with this therapy, some can and some can not offer shorter 10-15 minute sessions….

This is your commitment to self…….


An inspiration to bring to life this Blog……

With the things going on at work, the authors that I have meet, the people who I work with who share their stories and the possibility of reviewing Books as inspired me to bring this back to life.

A commitment to Blog Once a week at least with what is going on in my life……with Books reviews on assorted Pagan/ Spiritual topics, self-development, Wicca etc…. Allowing you to make informed choices in which books you wish to purchase.. we are so lucky there are some amazing authors out there and some I give great credit to guiding me on my journey…….

Allowing me to grow and be given a lot of great information to share with others when I teach my classes …….

I thank Ann Moura- the author of Green Witchcraft

Silver RavenWolf -the author of To Stir a Magick Cauldron, To Ride a Silver Broomstick

Other Authors include Ted Andrews, Cassandra Eason, Doreen Virtue, John Holland, John Edwards, James Van Pragh, Mia Dolan, Ambika Wauters….

NZ Authors include Kelvin Cruickshank , Sue Nicholson, Lynn Jennings , Tania Thorton (see previous Blog for photo of her book)  and so many more……

The knowledge that has been shared with me through these authors has allowed me to write my Book (not yet published) but shared locally as an E-Book)  How TO Enhance What You Already Have…..https://www.facebook.com/Vestasbook?ref=hl     Bringing new readers and healers into the light……and allowing me to teach, Mentor classes, which I totally love…..

I am now committed to sharing this Blog with you on a regular Basis …. and look forward to hearing your feedback ….

Insights from the Heart

Insights from the Heart

Book BY Tania Thornton…..
An Incredible Book that brings a beautiful story to life….